Archives for posts with tag: try

Ok so if we tally up your resolutions from last year you should:

  • Have the body of your dreams
  • Be financially independent
  • Do charity work 3 times a week
  • Have written that novel

No? Me either. But that’s ok. I’ll be honest, I’m going to add those resolutions right back on my list again this year. I’m not upset that things didn’t turn out perfectly last year. My ideal plan didn’t work out the way I thought it would. But why would I let an imperfect conclusion make me feel like a failure?

I worked at each of my resolutions. And any action is better than no action at all. I may have not come as far as other people, but I also know I have done more than others. But regardless of how other compare, I was writing my own story.  

Life is always a work in progress. Even if you do achieve your ideal body, will you maintain it? I fluctuate, because I like beer and wings, and football Sundays. I don’t beat myself up about it. I enjoy it, then I use my other time to lace up my running shoes and hit the streets. I am not a financial savant. I enjoy traveling, going to restaurants, and building on my hobbies. It’s ok!

Life happens. You are never “there.” You don’t reach any certain point and just stop. You should be always working at something, trying to improve, and be setting new goals. But it’s ok to pause momentarily (a day, a weekend, sometimes even a couple months), assess and regroup, then react. That’s not a major setback. Football teams huddle and regroup, race cars have to enter the pits and refuel, people need a day of rest.

So don’t kick yourself and tell yourself that last year was horrible. And don’t think that it was all be fixed in 2016. 2015 may have had its imperfect conclusions, but so will next year, and the year after that. Keep fighting, keep regrouping, keep using each year as one step to the next. 5, 10, maybe 20 years from now you will look back and see how far you have come.

Cheers to the next step!  

Happy New Years to all!

“Where the heart is willing, it will find a thousand ways. Where it is unwilling, it will find a thousand excuses.”

~Arlen Price

 “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”

~Eleanor Roosevelt


Do you live your life in mediocrity, staying with what you know, remaining in your comfort zone because you know you already have that figured out, or do you push yourself to your limits, trying something new, risking possible failure, but always reaching for a little bit more? 

Everyone likes sucess. When you do something well it’s easy to smile and pat yourself on the back. So why do we get cozy and stagnant? Once we make the climb we reach the plateau, but then what? Do you stay there? I hope not!

How about basking in your glory for a moment and then setting up for the next challenge. You can continue to do well with what you know or push the limits and risk doing “just ok” while you embrace a new skill. Soon that too will become easy, and should again become part of your foundation for the next challenge. 

If your always doing well and are acing  the challenge, maybe your bar is set too low. 

“Life happens outside your comfort zone”


“It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.”

~Vince Lombardi

“The expert in anything was once a beginner”

Oh how we forget this… We look at people and admire them for their skills and knowledge in certain areas. We allow that admiration to morph into intimidation. We start to question our own abilities and tell ourselves we are good enough to match those experts. We sell ourselves short.

We end up not applying for that job, not going out for the team, not bothering to delve deeper into our hobbies.

What if all the “experts” of their fields would have thought like that? It sure would have been a waste of unknown talent…