Archives for posts with tag: living

It would be nice to know which decision you were supposed to make each step of the way as you move through life. But life is not that simple. We all get to have different experiences, different emotions, different goals, and different preferences, You always have to be true to your own heart and follow your own path.

Even those closest to you may question your decisions and not see what you see, but that’s ok, because it’s not their path. People get caught up trying to model the path they have seen others take, regardless if it seems like the best option. But people see a path that has already been forged easier than blazing their own.

Have you ever taken a vacation? Which is more fun, experiencing things on your own and finding hidden gems or following the path and suggestions that someone else has provided for you? Both may be fun, but in the latter you are riding on the heels of those before you. Don’t be afraid to to be your own explorer.

Life is your book to write. And it has to be written to your standards. Anything less will leave you displeased. This means you may have to make the unpopular decision at times, take the path least recommended, and go against peoples advice.

But remember, this is your story to tell. Be true to yourself.
